Als Sponsor des Schreibwettbewerbs am 3. Oktober 2024 unterstützt Dorfkrug die Initiative, Deutschland singt und klingt. „Die Freiheit, die ich meine“, gehört zu unserer Philosophie des Gemeinwohls.
Als Sponsor des Schreibwettbewerbs am 3. Oktober 2024 unterstützt Dorfkrug die Initiative, Deutschland singt und klingt. „Die Freiheit, die ich meine“, gehört zu unserer Philosophie des Gemeinwohls.
Das kooperative Zusicherungssystem.
Ist fair, gerecht und transparent.
Kooperation statt Egoismus.
Bist du bereit?
Die kooperative Gemeinschaft.
Download for Android or iOS:
Menschen, die sich in Gemeinschaften
gegenseitig unterstützen.
What is Dorfkrug's goal?
Classic insurance is reaching its limits. Dorfkrug is a contemporary alternative model to the traditional financial industry and relies on solidarity.
Dorfkrug is an app with the basic idea of mutual assurance of support and strengthening of the common good.
This creates social and economic security. The mutual trust strengthens the community and connects.
How does Dorfkrug work?
Dorfkrug establishes groups of people who are threatened by the same risk. These people assure each other of support in their respective risk areas. The support areas are divided into people, animals and things. If a group member suffers financial damage, the group members stand up for it.
The size of the respective groups is based on the average financial requirements in the event of a claim. Digital management also makes it easy to handle larger group sizes.
By using swarm intelligence, the required financial resources are collected in a targeted manner and then distributed. The common good-oriented behavior of the users promotes the stability and seriousness of the groups and the community.
Where does Dorfkrug come from?
As early as the 11th century, people organized themselves into mutual support communities, which is documented in church records. Up to a certain size, the joint meeting and organizing of the mutual assurance was quite possible.
Dorfkrug takes up this tradition and brings it into the 21st century. Most of the funding can now be used again for the core purpose. Through the digital organization and design of the groups, the processes can be presented as transparently and goal-oriented as they were 1,000 years ago.
Transparency first
Insurance companies and aid organizations today use up to 50% of their income for commissions, administrative costs and taxes. The other half of the contributions is then available for the settlement of claims. With the cooperative assurance system "Dorfkrug" only the transaction costs of €0.60 (incl. VAT) are deducted from the mutual support contributions.
Premium invoice from the insurance company: 119€
Proportion of insurance tax 19%: 119€ – 19€ = 100€
Agent commission 25%: 100€ – 25€ = 75€
Management costs approx. 30%: €75 – €22.5 = €52.5
This leaves 52.5€ of 119€ for the core purpose, the settlement of the damage.
This corresponds to an efficiency of 44.1%.
For example, for a support payment of 50€ (this amount can be distributed to several cases if "collective transfer" is used), the final amount of the payment is 50.60€. The 50€ will arrive where it is needed. The transaction cost is only 0,60€ (including VAT). In this example, the efficiency is 98.814%.